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Dev Diary: HR

Managing your employees and assigning them tasks is not enough. You need to take care of their motivation and skills, too! That’s what HR is for. The HR UI is…

Dev Diary: Investigation Board

Your office isn’t just for company management. There’s one device in there that will help you organise detective information you collect - the Investigation Board. It's made of three sections:…

Dev Diary: Marketing

So, you have your coffee, you have your employees, but who will actually buy your products? Someone has to hear about them, right? That's where the Marketing UI comes in.…
A screenshot of the Management UI that looks like a board where you can put paper cards with info about projects and employees assigned to them. To the left, there's a list of available employees. On top, there's a list of task types: Production management, Post-sale account management, Lead acquisition & due dilligence, Project management, Staff trainings.

Dev Diary: Management

After you sign contracts, buy upgrades, decide to research information on possible new contractors, someone needs to take care of those things. Here comes the Management UI, where you assign…
A screenshot of the Comic Bank UI. It shows a folder with text "case files" on it, it has an attached casette with "doji" written on it, and a film spool, below there's a number of scenes on a film reel to choose from.

Dev Diary: Comic Bank

What if you forget about something told in the story, need a refresh after a break in playing, or simply want to replay a comic or rewatch a cutscene? In…
A screenshot of the Production UI.

Dev Diary: Production

To provide your contractors with enough coffee and the type they prefer, you need to produce enough of it. That's what the Production UI is for. Here, you can control…
A drawing showing a worker scratching his head, standing with his back to the viewer. In the background, there is a factory machine and smoke coming out of it, covering a lot of the view

Dev Diary: The random events

When you play, you might encounter random events. Those events regard damage to coffee bags, accidents at the packaging facility, some worker's failure etc. To prevent them, you need to…

Sorry, we’re latte

Hey, fellow detectives! We want to inform you that we’ve decided to move Coffee Noir’s release to 2021 and an exact premiere date will be revealed in Q1. We did…
Promotional image with Arthur standing in the front and several characters in the back. A logo Coffee Noir: Detective Business Game is placed to the left.

Dev Update 03/12/2020

This autumn has been very busy for us! Apart from doing some final touches on the game, we’ve participated in showcases and shared our demo with the community and media.…

Dev Update 06/07/20

Hey, detectives! Our team is systematically moving towards the end of the game development process. Here’s what we’ve been up to: Some of us work on ensuring that the whole…

Dev Update 04/06/2020

We hope everyone is safe and healthy! Doji Games is still developing Coffee Noir from home and this is what we've been doing recently: We finished the UI in the…

Dev Update 04/04/2020

And it's April! Time really does pass quickly. Here's what we have done last week: We are working on polishing the UI in the main navigation screen and notifications about…

Dev Update 23/03/2020

We switched to remote work last week due to the current global situation. We hope all of you are safe and at home if you can. The notifications and the…

Dev Update 27/02/20

Hello, today we bring more news about polishing and finishing things! The Investigation Board will be ready any time now. Currently, we’re working on the way the clues are linked…

Dev Update 19/02/2020

Good to see you again! It’s that time of the week – time to share what our coffee energy is spent on. We are working on an unique (and secret!)…

Dev Update 06/02/2020

February is more sunny and warm than ever, almost hot, and so is the work on Coffee Noir now! We’re working on the final batch of the game and refining…

Dev Update 28/01/2020

Here’s our first dev update of 2020! Part of our forces had to be switched to another B2B project, the rest is working hard on finishing batch of the CN…

Dev Update 11/12/19

It’s time for December’s second Dev Update. We’re working hard on Coffee Noir, but also preparing for Christmas. The UI window of Sales is almost finished; the graphics have been…

Accessible dialogues and sound in Coffee Noir

Recently, the topic of game accessibility is popular in Poland. Accessibility means adjusting games and game settings to the needs of people with disabilities. We support that idea and we…

Dev Update 03/12/19

November ended already, how did all that time pass just like that? It’s almost Christmas. Must. Resist. Playing. Christmas. Songs. This is what we've been up to during the previous…

Dev Update 21/11/19

Another round of our strategic adventure with Coffee Noir has started! A new quest for us! Our team is working on a completely new version of the mechanics of linking…

Dev Update 14/11/19

Hello, it’s us with our second Dev Update! At our meeting this week we discussed multiple functionalities and UI changes in the game. We improved the dialogue screen a lot.…

Dev Update 6/11/19

We decided today that we will post weekly Dev Updates for you! We will write about our current work, what we have completed and what we are working on. Yes,…

The Neo-London

There is a lot of stuff going on right now with the production of the game. To be honest, the development of Coffee Noir has never been so intense and…

Telling the story through artistic means

Along with the development of Coffee Noir, the vision about some characters has changed. The decision to improve some illustrations was mostly dictated by plot changes. Thanks to the changes…

Few words about the importance of economic engine in Coffee Noir

Usually, games have engines that only roughly represent real-life economics. In Coffee Noir, we use an advanced computing engine capable of creating a very realistic in-game market. Anything related to…

Virtual comic pages

Noir is not an easy nut to crack You can notice already at first glance that in the process of developing Coffee Noir we really care about capturing the mood…

Why we killed Early Access

Probably as many other games, Coffee Noir came a long and bumpy way during its development. From purely educational, serious game developed by the small founders' team of our Doji…


We are proud to share with you our new webiste for Coffee Noir Business Detective Game! Check it from time to time - we are going to post development news…