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Dev Update 6/11/19

We decided today that we will post weekly Dev Updates for you! We will write about our current work, what we have completed and what we are working on. Yes, every week! Of course, we’ll still publish Dev Blogs as well.

  • Recently, we talked a lot about priorities: should we all focus on creating assets, new comic boards and graphics, or on interface and various game mechanics, which work independently from the graphic assets. We decided to slow down with our work on the content of the second part of the game while polishing technical stuff, mechanics and interfaces. They will be in the whole game, after all, so it’s worth working on this before continuing the visuals.
  • Anita (our game producer) sweared too much again while talking about the state of our development! If we had a penny for every swearword, we wouldn’t need additional funding…
  • In-game texts are being translated to English all the time. Our favourite Native Speaker, Graham, will visit us soon in our office to revise the already translated material.
  • We slowed down with the content, yeah, but that doesn’t mean we are not making it.
  • Currently, briefs for the visuals for the last chapters of the gameplay are in progress.
  • Speaking of the graphics, our Lead Artist’s hoarse voice during the meeting has resulted in sending her home to cure herself from the cough and the cold. The graphics will be created in the home-office mode for some time. Get well soon, Aleksandra!
  • There’s a new main character portrait! Arthur’s getting a new look, distracting you with handsomeness during dialogues with contractors. The picture is almost finished, so we’ll show it soon.
  • Twine is such an amazing software! Another part of dialogues is transcribed in order to create some bad-ass dialogue trees. Twine is more and more useful, though we have to be careful while transcribing. We did 60% of all the transcriptions already.
  • We decided that not all texts in-game have to be spoken by the reader. This way, we reduced the amount of text that needs to be read recorded.
  • After the recent tests, we decided to introduce sets of notifications for every section of the game. To be more clear: every section regarding the company management will have its own notifications list.
  • Our social media and community are going to get busier. Feel free to get involved, ask us all the questions about anything that’s not clear in the Dev Updates, or tell us what you would like to see.

That’s all for now. See you the next week!

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